Alexa Ranking

You’ve probably heard of Alexa rank if you’ve been running a website for a while.

It’s one of the most often used (but far from ideal) internet marketing techniques.

A site’s popularity can be determined using As a result, it’s a fantastic tool to analyze SEO score and success.

How does the Alexa ranking system work?

Alexa traffic rankings are based on two types of information: total unique visitors and page views. To put it another way, top-ranked sites are not only able to attract new users, but they also provide high-quality material that keeps visitors on the site. ranks websites based on global data collected over the previous three months. The traffic rank is updated on a regular basis, making it fairly accurate.

When you open the same page multiple times in a day, the system counts it as a single view. In other words, you won’t be able to repeatedly click on the same page to increase your view count.

This is a fantastic technique to keep users from falsely inflating their metrics. Visitors, on the other hand, can immediately boost their internet ranks by visiting different pages.

This service is available on Alexa’s website at no cost. You may also use the Alexa toolbar to check domain rankings in your Google Chrome browser at any time. It also has various other features once installed.

You can utilize Related Links to identify websites that are similar to the one you’re on now.

Check out how different blogs used to look in the past with the Wayback Machine.

Learn more about popular keywords and how they can help you expand your reach with Search Analytics.

A little toolbar controls all of these basic services and capabilities.

It’s more enticing as a result of this. Alexa also provides its own SEO tools.

After all of this, why is this company and its rating system being criticized so badly?

web traffic
web traffic

What exactly is the problem with Alexa’s ranking?

Alexa’s traffic estimations have been reviled by the SEO community for quite some time, and with good cause.

To begin with, Alexa has a number of challenges when it comes to collecting worldwide data. It can only acquire data from a small number of million users who have installed these extensions. While these few millions are an excellent starting point, they are far from adequate.

As a result, rankings may be drastically skewed in some circumstances, particularly for websites with ranks of 100,000 or above. Because Alexa will lack sufficient data, most rankings will be only estimates.

There are other technologies that, perform a better job than Alexa. The first is Google Search Console, which, despite not showing your global ranking, delivers extremely accurate Google traffic values. Ahrefs does an excellent job as well.

In that perspective, there’s no compelling reason to utilize Alexa in the first place. Actually, this function is more of an ego booster, as it displays the site’s global ranks.

Another significant fault with this tool is that it does not display traffic. Given that this is a traffic-based rank checker, it makes no sense not to display traffic, as that is the primary purpose for your visit.


It was formerly extremely popular, but that is no longer the case. Given the importance of accuracy in search engine optimization, Alexa is unable to meet the needs of SEO specialists. Finally, there are far superior methods for evaluating traffic and user engagement.

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